The Struggle is Real…

Keep your hands clean. Let us do the dirty work.


Such a big title.

The business significance of diversity, equity, and inclusion has never been higher, and everyone now believes that a Chief Diversity Officer is the person in charge of fixing all culture-related leadership issues. This also means the CDO is a convenient person to blame when new issues pop up.

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So much responsibility.

The most marginalized people in your company depend on you for career opportunities and job satisfaction. With so much time dedicated to work, everyone in the company values having healthy and productive relationships with coworkers. People’s happiness and livelihood is on your shoulders on a daily basis.

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So little control.

It is impossible to control anyone, let alone everyone in your organization at once. To make it worse, no matter how large your organization is, it only takes one person causing one incident for you organization to start getting slammed on the internet.

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