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Career Solutions for Diverse Athletes
Negotiating Best Practices
Anonymous Culture Reviews
Sponsorship Opportunities
Athletes inspire attitudes, efforts, emotions, thoughts, and behaviors.
You’re an influencer.
Find and Share Anonymous Culture Reviews.
In business, the greatest predictor of success is the amount of accessible opportunity. Stop wasting your time with hostile cultures and find the companies that will appreciate you.
Sponsorship Opportunities
Talented professionals are always in demand, especially when they are also diverse. Culture SPK can help you improve your interview skills, find a job with an inclusive company, and develop negotiating skills to maximize your pay.
Give and Get Situational Advice.
The further diverse professionals ascend, the less likely they are to find people who can relate to their unique experience or empathize with their challenges. It can be extremely beneficial to have a targeted network of people with shared similar experiences.
Become a Social Influencer for Brand Campaigns
Social Influencers have become a significant part of society today, bridging the gap between business results and social responsibility. Unfortunately, many influencers do not have the support they need to maximize their success. Culture SPK helps influencers make a career out of doing what they do best.
Many diverse employees feel obligated to help companies solve their exclusionary leadership problems. Consequently, employees who were already trying to overcome the negative impacts of bias, now also have less time dedicated to their personal lives, mental health, and overall job performance.
If your current employer is serious this time, they should be ready to invest in professional solutions to support your conversations. That way you can focus on your job. If they are not ready, we have other employment opportunities that are less problematic and will compensate you for your energy.
Let’s send unpaid labor back to the 1800s.